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Maken-Ki's 1st BD/DVD to Include Anime Bonus Extras

posted on by Egan Loo
1st edition bundles hugging pillow cover, case drawn by creator Hiromitsu Takeda

The first Blu-ray Disc/DVD volume for the Maken-Ki! television anime series will include bonus anime extras when it ships on December 22. The bonus high-definition "Dokidoki! Maken-Ki! Himitsu no Kunren" short will run about 10 minutes long and feature the heroine Haruko Amaya in a secret one-on-one training session. The first of six volumes will also include a "Maken-Ki! Zenkai Version" of the main anime with scenes that did not air on television.

The limited first edition of the first volume will bundle a hugging pillow (dakimakura) cover of Haruko, as illustrated by original manga creator Hiromitsu Takeda. Other limited-edition extras include an exclusive case illustrated by Takeda and a jacket illustration by anime character designer Nobuteru Yūki.

Takeda's Maken-Ki! original manga centers around Takeru Ōyama, a boy enrolled in an elite school where the girls (and boys) fight with mysterious items called Maken. The student body includes the enigmatic girl Kodama, a girl named Inaho who calls herself Takeru's fiancée, and his childhood friend Haruko.

The television series from director Kōichi Ōhata (Ikki Tousen, Burst Angel) and the anime studio AIC will premiere on October 4.

[Via 0takomu]

Image © 2011 Hiromitsu Takeda/Fujimi Shobo

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