Stop-Motion Filming at London Charity Event This Weekend
posted on by Andrew Osmond
The making of a stop-motion film is among the Japan charity events outside London's Tate Modern gallery this weekend (September 10 and 11). The 'onedan' (Japanese cheerleading video) will be made using human actors in a stop-motion style (pixilation) by the London-based Japanese animator Miho Lomon, aka Animatsuda (website).
More details of the weekend's events outside the Tate Modern, which include a lantern parade on Sunday evening to commemorate six months since the Tohoku earthquake, are here. The parade will be accompanied by the Joji Hirato Taiko Drummers, and is part of the Thames Festival Night Carnival. It is scheduled to start at 6.45 p.m., and end with fireworks at 9.45 p.m.
Animatsuda's first 'onedan' (cheerleading) video using pixilation in support of Japan is here:
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