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Android Smartphones Made Into Manga Girl Characters

posted on by Egan Loo
Artists illustrate book that profiles phones by anthropomorphizing them into girls

Late last month, the publisher Max released Androi-Ko!, a book that profiles smartphones that run the Android operating system — by anthropomorphizing the phones into girls. The Xperia arc is personified as Arc-ko, the Sony Ericsson Xperia SO-01B is personified as Xperia-ko, and so on.

The book is divided into several sections to explain how people can use Android's basic features, customize the home screen, use the Android Market, enter and convert Japanese text via Android's character input system, browse mobile sites, master apps that are handy on the run or can be used during karaoke sessions, record television on Japan's 1seg system, more conveniently gather and process data, and run apps that search for nearby restaurants. The book also has a catalog of useful accessories and a Android Q&A list.

The book's roster of artists includes the following:

[Via Akiba Blog]

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