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House of 5 Leaves/Ristorante Paradiso's Natsume Ono to Appear in NYC

posted on by Gia Manry
Viz, Kinokuniya bookstore to host manga creator on May 10

The North American anime and manga distributor Viz Media announced on Monday that it is collaborating with the Japanese bookstore chain Kinokuniya's New York City location and Japanese publisher Ohta Shuppan to host a special appearance by manga creator Natsume Ono (House of Five Leaves, Ristorante Paradiso, Gente).

Ono will appear at the Kinokuniya New York City store on Tuesday, May 10 at 7:00 p.m. She will offer commentary on her "past and present works" with Megumi Satō of Samura Beat Radio and take part in a question-and-answer session with the audience. Additionally, an original illustration signed by Ono and two illustration prints will be raffled off to attendees of the event.

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