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Subaru x Gainax, Negima, Dragon Crisis Promos Streamed

posted on by Egan Loo
Hōkago no Pleiades in winter; Mahō Shōjo Yue in November; Dragon Crisis! in January

The car maker Subaru and the anime studio Gainax have posted a 46-second teaser trailer to announce the title and staff of their collaborative project, Hōkago no Pleiades (Afterschool Pleiades), on Monday. The Pleiades is the English name for the star cluster that the Japanese call "Subaru" — the origin of the car maker's name and six-star logo. The original story's staff includes director Shouji Saeki (Mahoromatic: Tadaima Okaeri, Strike Witches 2 episode storyboarder), concept artist and original character designer Daisuke Kikuchi (Gurren Lagann, Mahoromatic: Tadaima Okaeri), and character designer Mai Otsuka (Shakugan no Shana, Hanamaru Kindergarten). Also involved are art director Hiroshi Kato (Evangelion Shin Gekijōban: Jo/Ha, Gunbuster 2), director of photography Toyonori Yamada (Gurren Lagann, Hanamaru Kindergarten), and color key artist Chie Yoshimura (Chou Gekijouban Keroro Gunso, The Big O). The anime project "drops this winter."

The Japanese publisher Kodansha also posted a 104-second promotional video for the original anime DVD Mahō Sensei Negima! ~Mō Hitotsu no Sekai~ Extra Mahō Shōjo Yue on YouTube this past week. The DVD will ship with the 32nd volume of Ken Akamatsu's original Negima! Magister Negi Magi manga in Japan on November 17. The new anime will adapt the manga's Ariadone magical girl arc. Funimation released the earlier Negima and Negima television series, as well as some of the video spinoff projects, in North America. Del Rey published the 28th volume of the manga last month.

The official website for the Dragon Crisis! anime launched with a 16-second promotional video on Saturday. In Kaya Kizaki's original Dragon Crisis! light novel series, a high school boy named Ryūji is dragged by his cousin Eriko to rescue a girl from black-market dealers. The blue-eyed "girl" turns out to be a dragon who is inexplicably fixated on Ryūji — following him even when he is bathing and sleeping. Ryūji has to protect the girl from the black-market dealers and others. The television series will premiere in Japan this coming January.

[Via Moe Otanews Sokuhō, Kyō mo Yarareyaku, Saishin Anme Jōhō]

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