Black Gate, Eensy Weensy Monster Manga Listed by Amazon
posted on by Egan Loo
The online retailer Amazon is listing two new titles from the American publisher Tokyopop, as well as one new title from Tokyopop's Blu boys-love imprint. Amazon's listings do not necessarily indicate definite release plans or dates.
Black Gate
Yukiko Sumiyoshi
September 28
Secretary's Love (Hisho no Koi)
Tohko Akiba (Gentosha Comics Inc.)
November 30 (Blu imprint)
Eensy-Weensy Monster
Masami Tsuda (Hakusensha's Hana to Yume Comics)
November 30
[Via Kuriousity, Tanbishugi]
Black Gate
Yukiko Sumiyoshi
September 28

Tohko Akiba (Gentosha Comics Inc.)
November 30 (Blu imprint)

Masami Tsuda (Hakusensha's Hana to Yume Comics)
November 30
[Via Kuriousity, Tanbishugi]