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Seattle's Sakura-Con to Host Haruhi Artist Noizi Ito (Updated)

posted on by Egan Loo
Ito also illustrated Shana & Bee-be-beat it!, designed Shining Force Feather

Sakura-Con has announced that it will host Haruhi Suzumiya illustrator Noizi Itō during the April 2-4 convention in Seattle, Washington. According to Sakura-Con, this will be her first convention appearance.

Ito is best known for illustrating Nagaru Tanigawa's nine Haruhi Suzumiya light novels, and her work served as the basis for the character designs in the subsequent anime and manga adaptations. She also created the illustrations in Yashichiro Takahashi's Shakugan no Shana fantasy light novels, which in turn inspired two television anime series, an anime movie, several anime videos, and manga.

She later illustrated Jinno Masaki's Bee-be-beat it! light novel in Fujimi Shobo's Dragon Age Pure magazine and drew the "Yume-Miru Vampire" manga short. In the gaming world, she designed Flight-Plan's Shining Force Feather game for the Nintendo DS and several titles for UNiSONSHIFT.

Sakura-Con had previously announced that the rock bands High and Mighty Color and Dazzle Vision, voice actress Mayumi Tanaka, animator Tsuyoshi Nonaka, director Yasuhiro Imagawa and Satoshi Nishimura, and character designers Yutaka Minowa and Takahiro Yoshimatsu will be attending the convention.

Image © Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd.
© 2006 Nagaru Tanigawa, Noizi Itō/member of SOS

Update: More background information and novel cover image added.

Update2: Taiwan's Taipei International Book Exhibition had hosted Ito in 2008. Thanks, dormcat.

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