Anime Network to Add The Skull Man, Tears to Tiara
posted on by Egan Loo
The Anime Network website has announced on Thursday that it will begin streaming the first two episodes of Tears to Tiara and and the first episode of The Skull Man in HD on December 24 and December 25, respectively. A new episode of Tears to Tiara will be added every week thereafter.
On behalf of Sentai Filmworks, Section23 Films shipped the first DVD collection for Tears to Tiara on November 24. Section23 will also ship the complete series of The Skull Man on DVD on February 2.
In addition, The Anime Network will mark the holidays by streaming all content, including premium content, for free to registered users from December 24 to December 26, and again from December 31 to January 2. From now until the end of the year, The Anime Network is also discounting Premium Subscriptions.
Thanks to SXAniMedia for the news tip.