New D.C. ~Da Capo~ Anime Reportedly Announced
posted on by Egan Loo
D.C. III & D.C. Zero software, D.C. adult comic, Circus Tactics also revealed

The event reportedly announced the following D.C. ~Da Capo~ items:
1. Production of D.C. III [visual novel software] green-lit
2. All-new D.C. anime in the works
3. Sales of D.C. downloads green-lit, starting on November 20 [in Japan]
4. D.C. adult comic adaptation
5. Sales of D.C.if's PC version green-lit
6. Circus Tactics (tentative title)
7. Hatsunejima Mirai
8. D.C. series' PSP-porting project launched
9. D.C. V's official title decided
10. Production on D.C.Zero [visual novel software] in the works
The event in Tokyo's Shibuya Duo -Music Exchange- hall was streamed live to 10,000 viewers on the Nico Nico Douga video website on Sunday evening.
Thank you to cloud668 for the news tip.
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