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Houbunsha's Comic Yell Mag to End in 12th Issue in May

posted on by Egan Loo
"Shōjo mag for boys" carries Sanbun no Ichi. from Inukami!'s Mari Matsuzawa

The 11th issue and official staff blog of Houbunsha's Comic Yell! magazine has announced on Tuesday that the magazine will end in the next issue, which ships in May. Comic Yell! launched in 2007 as a bimonthly "shōjo manga magazine for boys." Among other titles, it carried Sanbun no Ichi. from Inukami! creator Mari Matsuzawa, Toshihira Arata's Mahō Shōjo Isuzu-san Full Throttle, and aki-Eda's Junshin Miracle 100%.

The rival publisher Futabasha launched a similar Comic High! magazine of so-called shōjo-style manga aimed at boys in early 2004. Comic High! did go on hiatus in the summer of 2004, but it returned that winter and remains in circulation as of this month.

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