Seven Seas Manga Affected by Diamond's New Order Minimums
posted on by Egan Loo
Hayate X Blade 3, Tetragrammaton Labyrinth 5; also: No Starch's statistics manga
The Seven Seas manga publisher reports that Diamond Comic Distributors has cancelled its March solicitations for two Seven Seas manga books due to its new purchase order minimums. Hayate X Blade volume 3 (pictured at right) and Tetragrammaton Labyrinth volume 5 will still ship in May through other distributors, bookstores, and retailers. Seven Seas anticipates that Diamond will no longer carry future volumes of these two manga titles as well as the Venus Versus Virus and Inukami! manga.
Publisher Simon Jones of Icarus Publishing notes that No Starch Press' Manga Guide to Statistics is among the anime- and manga-related orders that Diamond cancelled from the January solicitations for March release.