Roland Kelts to Discuss Japanese Pop Culture at Pacific Asia Museum
posted on by Christopher Macdonald
Roland Kelts, author Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the U.S., will discuss "the ways in which Japanese pop-culture has taken America by storm" at the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena, California on Sunday March 1 at 2pm.
The lecture is included in the cost of admission to the museum, which costs $9 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
In addition to Kelts' lecture, the museum will also be holding a two-part course examining the roots of anime and manga in the traditional arts of Japan on March 7 and 14.
In May the museum will hold an anime filme festival screening 7 films in 5 nights. The movies will include Sora no Momotaro from 1931 and Afro Samurai from 2007.
More information about these events is available from the museum's website.
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