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Crunchyroll to Stream The Tower of Druaga: the Sword of Uruk

posted on by Egan Loo
Gonzo's fantasy sequel to The Aegis of Uruk to premiere in January

The Crunchyroll media-sharing website has confirmed that it will stream The Tower of Druaga: the Sword of Uruk fantasy anime series for free, just as it had streamed its predecessor, The Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk. The anime production company Gonzo revealed that it would be animating The Sword of Uruk sequel at the end of the last episode of The Aegis of Uruk. Most of the main staff from The Aegis of Uruk, including director Kōichi Chigira (Brave Story, Full Metal Panic!, Last Exile) series script supervisor Shoji Gatoh (Full Metal Panic! anime franchise), music composer Hitoshi Sakimoto (Romeo × Juliet, Senjō no Valkyria -Gallian Chronicles-), and character designer Ugetsu Hakua (Burst Angel), are returning for The Sword of Uruk sequel.

The Sword of Uruk will premiere in Japan on January 8. Subscribers to the Crunchyoll Anime Membership program will obtain early access to this series; the episodes will also be available later for free.

Image © NBGI/Izumi Project

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