Digital Manga Schedules More Boys-Love Titles (Updated)
posted on by Egan Loo
Digital Manga announced the following new titles under its 801 Media imprint at Yaoi-Con 2008 this past weekend:
On Bended Knee
Ruri Fujikawa (Oakla Shuppan)
June 2009
Rie Honjyo (Biblos)
October 2009
Kiss Your Hair
DUO Brand (Oakla Shuppan)
December 2009
Digital Manga also scheduled several previously announced 801 Media titles: Mio Tennohji's Don't Rush Love (January 2009), Yuki Shimizu's Ze (February 2009), Kaori Monchi's Hey Class President! (May 2009), and Yoshimi Amasaki's Dog x Cat (September 2009).
Under its Juné imprint, Digital Manga announced the following new titles:
Tricky Prince
Yukari Hashida (Nihonbungeisha)
January 2009
Exotic and Delicious Fate
Ryoku Tsunoda (Houbunsha)
August 2009
Unsophisticated and Rude
Momoko Tenzen (Taiyo Tosho)
August 2009
Ludwig II
You Higuri (Futabasha)
June 2009
La Satanica
Momoko Tenzen (Core Magazine)
September 2009
Boys Love
Kaim Tachibana (Shinshokan)
September 2009
Ciao Ciao Bambino
Momoko Tenzen (Core Magazine)
October 2009
How To Capture A Martini
Makoto Tateno (Shinshokan)
December 2009
Digital Manga also scheduled several previously announced Juné titles: Sakurako Hanafubuki's Junior Escort (November 2008), Duo Brand's Shards of Affection (December 2008), Ayumi Kano's Sea View (December 2008), Makoto Tateno's Blue Sheep Reverie (December 2008), Toko Kawai's CUT (March 2009) and more volumes of Natsuho Shino's Kurashina Sensei's Passion (September 2009).
For its new Doki Doki imprint that it will co-publish with Shinshokan Publishing, Digital Manga added the following titles:
The Devil Inside
Rico Fukiyama
October 2009
Electric Hands
Taishi Zaou
November 2009
Another publisher, Go! Comi, had released two volumes of a different The Devil Within manga by Ryō Takagi in North America last year. Several Doki Doki titles that were revealed at Yaoi Jamboree 2008, Anime Expo 2008, and elsewhere now have confirmed release dates: Eiki Eiki's Train☆Train (April 2009), Mikiyo Tsuda's Princess Princess Plus (April 2009), Saemi Yorita's Brilliant Blue (May 2009), Eiki Eiki and Taishi Zaou's Color (June 2009), Makoto Tateno's Happy Boys (September 2009), and Eiki Eiki's Millennium Prime Minister (October 2009).
Digital Manga confirmed with the Kuriousity blog that, due to the worsening economy, it had laid off two production staffers and lowered its monthly output from 12 books to seven. A marketing staffer, Rachel Livingston, had also left the company recently, but this was planned in advance and was not a layoff. Digital Manga intends to keep its different imprints — specifically 801 Media and Juné — separate and on schedule for releases.
Source: Kuriousity
Update: The Devil Within manga by Rico Fukiyama that Doki Doki is releasing is different from The Devil Within manga by Ryō Takagi that Go! Comi released.
Update 2: Doki Doki released the manga by Rico Fukiyama as The Devil Inside.

Ruri Fujikawa (Oakla Shuppan)
June 2009

Rie Honjyo (Biblos)
October 2009

DUO Brand (Oakla Shuppan)
December 2009
Digital Manga also scheduled several previously announced 801 Media titles: Mio Tennohji's Don't Rush Love (January 2009), Yuki Shimizu's Ze (February 2009), Kaori Monchi's Hey Class President! (May 2009), and Yoshimi Amasaki's Dog x Cat (September 2009).
Under its Juné imprint, Digital Manga announced the following new titles:

Yukari Hashida (Nihonbungeisha)
January 2009

Ryoku Tsunoda (Houbunsha)
August 2009

Momoko Tenzen (Taiyo Tosho)
August 2009

You Higuri (Futabasha)
June 2009

Momoko Tenzen (Core Magazine)
September 2009

Kaim Tachibana (Shinshokan)
September 2009

Momoko Tenzen (Core Magazine)
October 2009

Makoto Tateno (Shinshokan)
December 2009
Digital Manga also scheduled several previously announced Juné titles: Sakurako Hanafubuki's Junior Escort (November 2008), Duo Brand's Shards of Affection (December 2008), Ayumi Kano's Sea View (December 2008), Makoto Tateno's Blue Sheep Reverie (December 2008), Toko Kawai's CUT (March 2009) and more volumes of Natsuho Shino's Kurashina Sensei's Passion (September 2009).
For its new Doki Doki imprint that it will co-publish with Shinshokan Publishing, Digital Manga added the following titles:

Rico Fukiyama
October 2009

Taishi Zaou
November 2009
Another publisher, Go! Comi, had released two volumes of a different The Devil Within manga by Ryō Takagi in North America last year. Several Doki Doki titles that were revealed at Yaoi Jamboree 2008, Anime Expo 2008, and elsewhere now have confirmed release dates: Eiki Eiki's Train☆Train (April 2009), Mikiyo Tsuda's Princess Princess Plus (April 2009), Saemi Yorita's Brilliant Blue (May 2009), Eiki Eiki and Taishi Zaou's Color (June 2009), Makoto Tateno's Happy Boys (September 2009), and Eiki Eiki's Millennium Prime Minister (October 2009).
Digital Manga confirmed with the Kuriousity blog that, due to the worsening economy, it had laid off two production staffers and lowered its monthly output from 12 books to seven. A marketing staffer, Rachel Livingston, had also left the company recently, but this was planned in advance and was not a layoff. Digital Manga intends to keep its different imprints — specifically 801 Media and Juné — separate and on schedule for releases.
Source: Kuriousity
Update: The Devil Within manga by Rico Fukiyama that Doki Doki is releasing is different from The Devil Within manga by Ryō Takagi that Go! Comi released.
Update 2: Doki Doki released the manga by Rico Fukiyama as The Devil Inside.
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