NEC Announces The Sky Crawlers Laptops in Japan
posted on by Gage
Japanese information technology company NEC announced three limited-edition, 12.1-inch screen laptop models that can be custom-etched with different graphics from Mamoru Oshii's The Sky Crawlers film. The laptops each feature a 120GB hard drive and 1.5GB of memory. The first 150 to purchase these laptops, which cost from 73,869 yen (about US$676) to 179,907 yen (US$1,657), will receive documents from the movie's fictional Rostock Corporation that have been personally signed by Oshii. All buyers will receive a choice of five logo designs (include the director's trademark basset hound) for the case etching, a collection of production design materials, a one-gigabyte logo-imprinted USB memory drive with 30 wallapapers and screensavers, and an exclusive tumbler. The film opened in Japan on August 2.
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