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Kadokawa Outlines YouTube Plans to BusinessWeek

posted on by Gage

The BusinessWeek news magazine reports that Chairman and CEO of Kadokawa Holdings Tsuguhiko Kadokawa believes his company will gain more support overseas by not filing lawsuits against the video-sharing website YouTube. Over the next few months, Kadokawa is experimenting with a new program designed to advertise its YouTube channel and sponsor some user-submitted videos of footage that originally came from its franchises. An expected US$1 million will be spent on the project. Some other Japanese companies have responded to unauthorized online sharing of their materials with legal demands, while still other companies have looked the other way. Movie producer David Alpert reports that he asked some Japanese studio executives for private screenings of their materials that he might license, but the executives said they lacked subtitled copies and suggested he look for fansubs on YouTube.

Kadokawa and YouTube revealed in May that they would launch this program which places advertisements on user-generated videos with Kadokawa's copyrighted material. Kadokawa USA ordered AnimeSuki.com to remove links to 11 anime fansubs in early June.

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