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2008 Gegege no Kitarō Movie's Trailer Posted

posted on by Egan Loo
Half-human demon boy protects Japan from annihilation in spinoff of TV anime

The official Japanese website of Toei Animation has begun streaming the long version of the trailer for the Gegege no Kitarō: Nippon Bakuretsu!! film on Tuesday. The December 20 film is a spinoff from the ongoing Gegege no Kitarō television series, which in turn adapts Shigeru Mizuki's Gegege no Kitarō manga about a half-human demon boy named Kitaro (Minami Takayama). In the movie, all of Japan faces destruction that only Kitaro can stop. The story is tied to a mysterious girl and an enemy more powerful than the supernatural creatures of Japan. The one-minute, 14-second trailer uses The 50 RPM's version of the classic Gegege no Kitarō theme song which the current television series began using in February.

Source: Saishin Anime Jōhō

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