Burst Angel Cosplayers Win Brazilian WCS Round (Updated)
posted on by Egan Loo
Jessica Moreira Rocha Campos (on the left in the photo) and Gabriel Niemietz Braz (on the right in the photo) will represent Brazil at the World Cosplay Summit 2008 event with costumes of characters from the Burst Angel anime. From January to early June, Brazilian manga publisher Editora JBC sponsored a total of 12 regional rounds in various cities throughout the country and one contest decided by an online vote. The 13 winning teams then went up against each other at the national final competition, which was held on June 21 in Sao Paolo's Teatro Elis Regina.
The 2008 World Cosplay Summit will take place on August 3 in Nagoya, Japan, featuring a field of 14 teams, including two from Japan and 12 from other countries. 10 of these have already been selected, while the second Japanese team, as well as those representing China, France, and Singapore, will be named next month.
Update: The Papo de Budega blog has posted video coverage of the competition.
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