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Anime Expo to Host Madhouse Designer/Director Hiromi Kato

posted on by Christopher Macdonald
Animation director for CLAMP in Wonderland 2, BECK, Paradise Kiss

Anime Expo has announced that Madhouse animator Hiromi Katō will attend the July 3-6 convention in Los Angeles as a Guest of Honor. This will be the first convention appearance outside of Japan for Kato, who was an animation director for Paradise Kiss, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, and CLAMP in Wonderland 2. Kato also provided character designs for CLAMP in Wonderland 2, I'm Gonna Be An Angel, Ai to Yūki no Pig Girl Tonde Būrin, and 6 Angels.

Kato joins Anime Expo's previously announced Guests of Honor such as directors Masahiro Andō and Masamitsu Hidaka, Japanese voice actors Toshihiko Seki and Shōko Nakagawa, American voice actor David Hayter, and Japan's music duo Jyukai.

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