Nozomi's 1st Emma Set Adds Limited Booklet from Japan
posted on by Egan Loo
Nozomi Entertainment, the anime production arm of Right Stuf, has announced that its Season 1 DVD Collection of the Emma: A Victorian Romance series will include a 96-page "Victorian Gazette." This booklet compiles and translates the original "Emma Victorian Gazette" pamphlets that appeared exclusively in the limited initial pressings of the Emma DVD Collector's Packages in Japan. The booklet includes a guide to Victorian England from fashion and travel to architecture and everyday life. It also includes a glossary, historical notes, and comments and comics from the original manga creator, Kaoru Mori.
Right Stuf has also announced that fans have until February 18 to pre-order the DVD collection from its website and still have their names listed in the "special thanks" section of the DVD credits. The company will accept pre-orders from fans after February 18, but their names will not be included in the DVD credits. Pre-orders are also available for the second DVD set.