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Nijū-Mensō no Musume Anime Teaser Trailer Streamed

posted on by Egan Loo
Official website opens for anime adaptation of manga about female thief

The official website has opened today for the anime adaptation of Shinji Ohara's Nijū-Mensō no Musume ("The Daughter of 20-Faces") manga, and the site is hosting a short teaser trailer. The teaser is little more than one still frame interspersed with French and Japanese text, but the site also includes story introduction, staff information, character descriptions, comic listings, and the beginnings of an official staff blog.

The story revolves around a female thief named CHiCO, who is the spiritual successor to the Kaijin Nijū-Mensō (The Fiend with 20 Faces) thief character created by famed suspense and detective novelist Ranpō Edogawa. (Edogawa is a pen name for Tarō Hirai; when written in Japanese family-name-first order, it spells out a Japanese pun for the name of the American suspense and detective author "Edgar Allen Poe.")

Image © Shinji Ohara, Media Factory/Nijū-Mensō no Musume Production Committee

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