Legal Scholar Praises Anime Music Videos at Conference
posted on by Mikhail Koulikov
The website for the TED technology conference has added this week a video of Stanford University law professor Lawrence Lessig's March 2007 presentation on the challenges to intellectual property laws in the digital age. To make his argument, Lessig used a Vampire Hunter D anime music video ("Muppet Hunter D") as an example of the difference between user-generated remixing of content and copyright infringement.
TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is an annual event held in Monterey, California that consists of a series of short talks by speakers who represent innovation in various fields. Rather than having a specific theme, the 2007 conference brought together 50 individuals selected for their achievements and ideas, and allowed each to talk for 18 minutes about a topic of his or her choice. In addition to Lessig, they included former President Bill Clinton, musician Paul Simon, and J.J. Abrams, creator of the television series Lost and Alias.