Weekend Wrapup - Week in Anime [7/10 - 14/10]
posted on by Jon Hayward
This weekend pretty much caps off the convention season for 2007 in Australia, with only Wai-Con left on its own in December. It's also the end of the July - October season for the foreseeable future with several conventions changing their dates, making next year a April - July season. Let us know if you made it to Supanova, Armageddon or even one of the Naruto movie Screenings. Now, on with the wrapup!
- The creator of Hajime no Ippo, George Morikawa, drew poster artwork for a women's boxing event.
- Madman not only extended the Haruhi Dance-Off at the beginning of the week, but announced Hell Girl for a Feburary release at the end.
- On a sad note, Dark Horse Publishing is stopping the printing of it's monthly Blade of the Immortal issues with issue #131 in November. They will be continuing with the regular collected editions.
- And to finish off with some happy news, Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei' has been confirmed for a second season in 2008.