Geneon USA President & CEO Sends Message to Fans
posted on by Egan Loo
The anime licensee Geneon Entertainment (USA) notified members of its Geneon Spot fan club that the club will be closing as part of the company's restructuring. It also sent the following message (PDF format) from its President and CEO, Eiji Orii:
October 5, 2007
To our fans,
Recently, we announced that we will not be accepting orders on Geneon products after Friday, September 28, 2007. We have read your comments that you have emailed and posted on various web sites, and received your numerous calls.
At this time, we are internally discussing plans to explore all available options to continue distribution of Geneon titles, both old and new, at a later date. However, nothing is certain at this time. We will release more information to the public once we have any concrete plans, if any.
We would like to thank you for your support over the last 20+ years - first as Pioneer and then as Geneon. We have worked hard to bring you the best in Japanese animation and you have responded with an intense passion and support for our products.
As Geneon evolves, we hope that we can continue to be a part of your future.
Thank you,
Eiji Orii
President and CEO, Geneon Entertainment (USA) Inc.
Corey Fischer of Ocean Productions said that dubbing of Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage will be completed with the same voice actors, although distribution "is out of Ocean's hands." Similarly, subtitling work is reportedly still proceeding for "the first two seasons of Nanoha, and the first season of Zero no Tsukaima."
Thank you to Henry Marcus and others for the news tips.