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Vertical to Print Osamu Tezuka's Dororo Manga in 2008

posted on by Egan Loo
Manga inspired two anime series, one live-action movie, one PS2 game

Publishers Weekly's Comics Week has confirmed with Vertical editorial director Ioannis Mentzas that the company will publish Osamu Tezuka's Dororo samurai-era manga in 2008. The adventure story follows Hyakkimaru, a rōnin samurai who lost 48 body parts to his father's pact with demons, after he is abandoned as an infant and raised by a doctor who restored his body with prosthetics. A vagabond boy thief named Dororo joins Hyakkimaru as they journey to find the demons and restore Hyakkimaru's body. The manga has inspired two 1969 anime series, a 2007 live-action movie, and two games; the 2004 PlayStation 2 version was released in English as Blood Will Tell.

Dororo joins MW, Apollo's Song, Ode to Kirihito, and Buddha in Vertical's library of titles by the "God of Manga." Amazon had previously listed the first volume for release on April 29, 2008. Thanks to Daniel Zelter for the news tip.

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