Code-E, Devil May Cry, Evangelion Anime Videos Posted
posted on by Egan Loo
Oricon Style mirrors Utada's promo with Eva movie footage in higher resolution
The official website for the CODE-E supernatural comedy television series is hosting that anime's television commercials. The series has been airing in Japan since July. The website for the television animated version of the Devil May Cry gothic action game franchise has posted new promotional footage for its DVD release. The DVD ships in Japan on September 21.
Oricon Style magazine is mirroring the promotional video for "Beautiful World," Hikaru Utada's theme song for September 1's Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone movie remake. The video, which Utada posted in lower resolution (56k Real and Windows Media Player or 300k Real and WMP) on her own website last week, includes footage from the movie.
Source: Saishin Anime Jōhō