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Yoko Kanno to Perform Special Concert in Seoul

posted on by Evan Miller
Popular anime music composer returns to stage for first time in five years

After five years without a public performance, popular composer Yōko Kanno will return to the stage for a special concert in Seoul, South Korea on June 20. She will be joined on stage by anime seiyuu and singer Maaya Sakamoto and Russian singer Origa, both of whom have teamed with Kanno before on numerous soundtracks and side projects.

Kanno is best known for her work on anime soundtracks, including Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, and Wolf's Rain. Her concert in Seoul coincides with the launch of the online game Ragnarok Online 2, developed by Korean game company Gravity. Kanno composed the music for the game, and will reportedly contribute 5 to 10 extra songs to the game per year. New songs will be included with releases of version upgrades for the game, which will be released in 63 nations around the world.

The concert itself will be held in the massive Sejong Center in the center of Seoul. Kanno is scheduled to perform material from Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, and other anime, as well as introduce new songs that will be used in Ragnarok Online 2.

This is a follow-up to the story Yoko Kanno to Score Ragnarok Online 2.

Source: Mantan Web

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