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Azumi's Aya Ueto Leads Piano no Mori Cast

posted on by Egan Loo
Madhouse Studios and the producers of the Piano no Mori movie (opening July 21 in Japan) have announced that Aya Ueto, best known for starring in the live-action versions of Azumi and Aim for the Ace!, will headline as Kai Ichinose in this adaptation of Makoto Isshiki's manga. Ryūnosuke Kamiki (Spirited Away's Boh, Howl's Moving Castle's Markl) will play Kai's friend and piano-playing rival, Shuhei Amamiya. Mayuko Fukuda (live-action Grave of the Fireflies' Hana) will play the heroine Takako Maruyama, and Hiroyuki Miyasako (Casshern live-action, Kamikaze Girls) will play the mentor Sōsuke Ajino. Source: animeanime.jp

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