Weekend Wrapup - Week in Anime [4/3 - 10/3]
posted on by Jon Hayward
This week was definitely a week for Manga, ranging from the announcement of a International Manga Competition to a live action movie of Slam Dunk being produced and finishing with Manga being printed on Toilet Paper. But here are the rest of the highlights.
- A Brand New Prince of Tennis OVAthe National Championship Semifinal will debut on June the 22nd
- The first awards for Japanese Voice Talent has been announced.
- One for all the female fans, a Butler Cafe will be opening in Aki
- On the weirder front, how about a Giant Gundam Lantern?
- A new Armoured Trooper Votoms series is in production for this summer and it will be called Pelzen Files. Good news for all those Scopedog Lovers :)