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Keitaro and Naru Married

posted on by Christopher Macdonald
Love Hina Couple Ties the Knot

Earlier this month Love Hina creator Ken Akamatsu updated his diary to state:

Today, April 3rd, 2005, is the wedding day of Keitaro and Naru. Relatives and friends from Japan and abroad, came to Hinata Inn at the seaside of Kanagawa prefecture to attend their wedding. Honored priest Seda conducted the ceremony. As usual Kitsune, MOTOKO, Shinobu, Suu, Mutsumi and Sara were busy with the preparation of the ceremony.

Hinata-baba and Kanako came as well. New resident Masae is also here. Haruka and Tama, Nyamo and Mei (Naru's sister) have also joined the celebration.

Keitaro has at last fulfilled his childhood wish, and married the girl he has always been in love with.

Congratulations! You really must not give up, no matter what!

Akamatsu goes on to state that he received many e-mail congratulating the newlyweds (over 800 by the next day)

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