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Inu Yashu to End

posted on by Christopher Macdonald
Final Episode on September 6th

Viz's Toshi Yoshida has confirmed reports that the Inu-Yasha TV series is to end soon. At San Diego Comic Con he stated that he had learned from the Japanese producer that episodes 166 and 167 will be a double episode that will mark the end of the series. They will be aired on September 6th.

To date the Inu Yasha franchise includes 159 TV episodes (over 6 seasons), 4 TV Specials, and 3 feature movies, with a 4th on the way in December. As previously reported, a trailer for the fourth movie, Guren no Houraijima (Crimson Horai Island) is available at the official InuYasha movie website.

Viz will release the Inu Yasha Season One box set, and the first Inu Yasha movie, on September 7th.

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