eigoMANGA in Diamond Previews
posted on by Christopher Macdonald
EigoMANGA Rumble Pak Issue 1 appearing in Diamond's Previews
EigoMANGA, a company producing and marketing "original manga" (which they define as "Japanese-influenced comic books") has had its upcoming EigoMANGA RUMBLE PAK #1 listed in Diamond's December issue of Previews.
Press Release:
Press Release:
San Francisco, CA. EigoMANGA, a comic book publishing company in San Francisco, is releasing in Diamond's December Previews it's new comic book series EigoMANGA RUMBLE PAK. EigoMANGA RUMBLE PAK #1 created by various American artists. The intended audience are teenagers to adults. The format of the comic series is (black and white) 6.63*10.22, 48 pages. The retail price is $4.95. The comic book's ship date is Febuary 2004. EigoMANGA RUMBLE PAK is an ongoing, monthly anthology comic book series of high quality original manga stories created by American and international artists.