Tech TV Anime Unleashed Schedule
posted on by Isaac Alexander
TechTV sent a press release with information about their anime programming.

Excerps of press release:
Show Details
Name: Anime Unleashed
New Episodes, Mon.-Fri., 1am-1:30am ET;
Additional Airings, Fri., 11pm-1am ET and 1:30am-3am ET
Format: Half-Hour Series and Movie Specials
Premiere Date: December 30, 2002
For the first time ever, TechTV's Anime Unleashed will import series and movies from Japan to television viewers in the United States. Anime Unleashed encompasses the many forms of Japanese animation that truly know no boundaries. This program features not just a style of animation, but explores an entire genre where viewers may find sophisticated science fiction, fantasy adventure, romantic comedies, kidappropriate fare, teen dreams or even adult-only titles. Anime Unleashed exemplifies the difference between its titles and Western animation by exploring the depths of characters and contortions of plot. Viewers will encounter realistic scenarios, complex relationships and flawed personalities. Despite their deficiencies, the subjects of Anime Unleashed are beholden to their desires, their hopes and their dreams. And though happy endings are not guaranteed, actions do have consequences.
Series and Movie Titles
Series: Betterman
Series: Crest of the Stars
Series: Dual!
Series: Serial Experiments Lain
Series: Silent Möbius
Movie: Armitage III: Poly-Matrix
Movie: Ghost in the Shell
Movie: Macross Plus
Movie: Patlabor I