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Fujin Name Change: RGA

posted on by Christopher Macdonald
Gutsoon! announced today that they are renaming their news magazine to "Raijin Game and Anime"

Excerpts from Press Release:

Gutsoon! Entertainment, Inc. the U.S. sister company to Japan-based Coamix, has changed the name of FUJIN, previously a Raijin Comics supplement magazine, to RGA or RAIJIN GAME & ANIME.

In addition, RGA, will no longer be distributed as a supplement issue, but as a separate newsmagazine, becoming Gutsoon! Entertainment's second U.S. published property. RGA will feature the latest news on videogames, anime, manga and Japanese cultural trends. RGA will be offered to subscribers of Raijin Comics free of charge, and available in stores at a shelf-price of $0.99. (Raijin Comics store shelf-price will be $4.95.) The name change was selected to better reflect the magazine's contents and add to Gutsoon!'s branding initiatives for the upcoming launch of both magazines, slated to be in stores on December 4th, 2002.

" Our decision to change Fujin's name to RGA is to offer our readers an extension of the Raijin brand name, " said Horie Nobuhiko, President and CEO of Coamix, " Although the name has been changed, the content will remain the same offering weekly highlights and news on the latest news in anime, manga, and Japanese trends."

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