Sequential Tart Store Opening!
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Sequential Tart, a webzine about the comics industry, is now selling it's own gear!
Always wear your heart on your sleeve? Well now you can wear a Tart instead!
Over the years, Sequential Tart has been graced with a plethora of amazing art for our covers, from many talented creators. These visions of Tarts were all we could ever dream of ... but we wanted more. We wanted T-shirts. We wanted coffee mugs. We wanted to be able to see these gorgeous pieces of art without plugging in our computers from time to time.
Well, now we can, and you can too. Starting this month, Sequential Tart will be opening stores on Cafe Press dedicated to some of these wonderful works of art, and they will be available as t-shirts, mugs and mousepads.
Some of the artists who have donated their art are available through a catalogue on the Sequential Tart site, so browse the aisles and take your pick.
All proceeds go towards keeping Sequential Tart up and running so we can provide more interviews, more articles, more reviews, and more art in the years to come.
As the stores are introduced, the new Tarts will be available at an introductory price. Featured artists for June are: Randy Green, Gary Frank, Elizabeth Watasin, Trina Robbins, Michael Avon Oeming and Rod Espinosa. Watch out for your favourite covers to appear.
Browse the catalogue and see what's available at:
Over the years, Sequential Tart has been graced with a plethora of amazing art for our covers, from many talented creators. These visions of Tarts were all we could ever dream of ... but we wanted more. We wanted T-shirts. We wanted coffee mugs. We wanted to be able to see these gorgeous pieces of art without plugging in our computers from time to time.
Well, now we can, and you can too. Starting this month, Sequential Tart will be opening stores on Cafe Press dedicated to some of these wonderful works of art, and they will be available as t-shirts, mugs and mousepads.
Some of the artists who have donated their art are available through a catalogue on the Sequential Tart site, so browse the aisles and take your pick.
All proceeds go towards keeping Sequential Tart up and running so we can provide more interviews, more articles, more reviews, and more art in the years to come.
As the stores are introduced, the new Tarts will be available at an introductory price. Featured artists for June are: Randy Green, Gary Frank, Elizabeth Watasin, Trina Robbins, Michael Avon Oeming and Rod Espinosa. Watch out for your favourite covers to appear.
Browse the catalogue and see what's available at: