Evangelion Movies production details
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Amanda Winn-Lee talks about the current Status of the Evangelion DVDs, asks for reader's opinions.
Despite previous speculation that the Evangelion Movies may not be finished in time for their announced fourth quarter, 2001 release, Amanda Winn-Lee has assured ANN that the DVDs will be out this year.
Amanda, who seems to love her work very much, told ANN that they will probably be heading to the studio very soon.
Discussing extras that will be on the DVDs, Amanda told us, "We hope to pack as many extra goodies on the DVD as we possibly can (including a director's commentary track with Me, Jason Lee (my husband and co-producer), Spike Spencer, Kendra Spencer, and Keith Burgess)," going on to state, "we also want to put tons of easter eggs in it, too."
And, to top it all off, they want to hear from you to find out what other extras you might like to see on the DVDs. If there's a particular extra you'd like to see included write to Amanda (amandawinnlee at or Keith Burgess (keith at
Amanda, who seems to love her work very much, told ANN that they will probably be heading to the studio very soon.
Discussing extras that will be on the DVDs, Amanda told us, "We hope to pack as many extra goodies on the DVD as we possibly can (including a director's commentary track with Me, Jason Lee (my husband and co-producer), Spike Spencer, Kendra Spencer, and Keith Burgess)," going on to state, "we also want to put tons of easter eggs in it, too."
And, to top it all off, they want to hear from you to find out what other extras you might like to see on the DVDs. If there's a particular extra you'd like to see included write to Amanda (amandawinnlee at or Keith Burgess (keith at