New online anime store: ZStore
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FUNimation to start an anime store with more then just Dragon Ball
Source: Planet Namek
Without official announcment FUNimation has launched a comming soon page to which according to the comming soon page will be selling all anime and not just FUNimation produced shows. The coming soon page sports this text:
Z Store will be here soon. This will be the place for one stop Anime shopping. You will also be able to buy all the latest and greatest CD's, videos, books, mags, apparel and much more at the BEST Prices. We should be up and running soon in the year 2001.
Without official announcment FUNimation has launched a comming soon page to which according to the comming soon page will be selling all anime and not just FUNimation produced shows. The coming soon page sports this text:
Z Store will be here soon. This will be the place for one stop Anime shopping. You will also be able to buy all the latest and greatest CD's, videos, books, mags, apparel and much more at the BEST Prices. We should be up and running soon in the year 2001.