Staytooned closes
posted on's webmaster, Evan Backes, announced this past weekend that he will no longer be updating the website. has been around for close to three years, since February 1998, and in that time the site grew to be a very respectable source of information on all type of animation, including Anime.
The constant effort needed to keep such an exhaustive website up to date has however taken its toll on Evan and he has decided to call it quits. Evan has decided to put his time into hiw own creations, rather than discussing those of otehr people, and his new website Avant-Guardian will be the place to see his work when it goes online.
The domain and site are for sale, any interested parties should read this pager.
On a final note, the editors of Anime News Network would like to commend Evan on the fine work he did these past three years and wish him the best of luck with his future undertakings.