Lucas does Anime
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Lucasfilm and the Japanese animation company Anime World Osaka, a start-up company, have reportedly agreed to co-produce an animated feature film, The Tiny Fairy Mirun (Chiisana Yosei Mirun), The Yomiuri Shimbun reported today (Thursday). The newspaper said that George Lucas will act as executive producer of the film, whose $18.5-million budget will be shouldered by the Osaka-based company. Lucas, the newspaper said, is due to arrive in Osaka in September to sign the contract. Under the deal, Anime World Osaka will produce the master drawings for the movie, while Lucasfilm will produce the "in-betweens." According to the Yomiuri, the movie concerns a fairy who comes to Earth and communicates to others with the aid of a crow.
Submitted by: Carlos E. Bustamente