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Digital Otaku discusses Escaflowne on Fox

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The Digital Otaku (Founder and former Editor in Chief of AnimeNewsNetwork.com, Justin Sevakis) discussed the upcoming broadcast of the Escaflowne series on Fox Kids with Jerry Chu of Bandai.

In addition to a few nasty remarks in the direction of Anime fandom (essentially truthful remarks mind you) Justin informs us that the only major change made to Escaflowne is the openening and ending themes. Regarding this issue, fans' fears have come true, the introduction music of Ms. Yōko Kanno has been replaced with a more conventional opening theme. The music within the episodes however has been entirely untouched.

Also untouched are the story arcs and character names, Escaflowne will be showed in it's entire 26 episode glory. The only changes to the episodes themselves involve minor editing (such as the removal of blood) to bring the show into check with FCC regulations and Fox standards.

You can read the entire article at: http://www.dvdfile.com/news/views/digital_otaku/2000/7_19.htm

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