Upcoming Online Chat
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Anime.About.Com will be hosting a chat with Johnathan Klein of New
Generation Pictures and Talesin Jaffe an independent voice director on
Saturday March 11th, 5:00 pm PST. New Generation Pictures are the folks who have subtitled over 50 different titles for Pioneer, Urban Vision, Central Park Media, and the Right Stuff. Recently, they began dubbing for Pioneer. They will be discussing their latest dub 'Nazca' and upcoming projects 3x3 Eyes and Nanako. They will also be discussing what is involved in producing quality dubbing, the differences between dubbing and subbing, and how to make it in the anime voice business.
Generation Pictures and Talesin Jaffe an independent voice director on
Saturday March 11th, 5:00 pm PST. New Generation Pictures are the folks who have subtitled over 50 different titles for Pioneer, Urban Vision, Central Park Media, and the Right Stuff. Recently, they began dubbing for Pioneer. They will be discussing their latest dub 'Nazca' and upcoming projects 3x3 Eyes and Nanako. They will also be discussing what is involved in producing quality dubbing, the differences between dubbing and subbing, and how to make it in the anime voice business.