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"The Fourth Power" Preview

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Plastic Pixel, an American Anime company located in Northern California, is working on a film entitled "The Fourth Power".
The release date for episode one is tentatively the latter portion of 2001. Plastic Pixel will release "The Fourth Power" in a series of four half-hour long episodes. "The Fourth Power" has been in preproduction for two years, and the animating process already is in progress. Previews of the series will be shown at many North American Anime Conventions this year. The film is being digitally produced at full HDTV (1920 x 1080 pixels) resolution using PCs. Initially, the video will be released on DVD.

At Fanime2K, Plastic Pixel will be showing two minutes of the work in
progress, and will also display many production illustrations and sketches. In addition, they will explain how the project is
created entirely on PCs!

Below is the credits for the upcoming series.

Plastic Pixel Crew Members:
Producer/Director/Story - Mark Koch
Character and Plot Development - Mark Koch and Nyles Nettleton
Key Animation - Jerry Caraway
In-between Animation & Digital Ink and Paint - Many Volunteers
3D Computer Graphics - Mark Koch & Nyles Nettleton
3D Models - Many Volunteers
Music - independent artists, including John Giannangeli & Cheryl "Michiko"

The Cast of "The Fourth Power" - Voice Actors:
Nyles Nettleton as Myles Meddleton
Cheryl Paserman as Michiko Yamamoto
Kathy Jenks as Meg
Stephanie Zahiralis as Melany Jameson
Eimily Martin as Miranda
Michiru Kaioh as Mitzy Maehehm
Mark Koch as F.U.B.A.R
Nyles Nettleton as Scamp
Shawn the Touched as Brenas
Michiru Kaioh as Shar
Extras: Romy Hallmark and Eimily Martin

Plastic Pixel official web site:

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