Otakon mentioned in "Metal Gear Solid"
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Konami's new PlayStation game "Metal Gear Solid," which is expected to be one of the biggest hits of the year, has a mention of the North American anime convention known as Otakon. One of the characters rescued by the player is and American arms designer that is actually named "Otacon".
An exerpt from Konami's web page on the character: "Real name Hal Emmerich. Commercial developer of arms technology. Caucasian, glasses, amiable personality. Weapons development genius. Held hostage by the terrorists. Because he likes Japanimation, he regularly attends Otaku Conventions, Japanese anime events held in America, and is called Otacon."
"It is truly bizarre and almost surreal to have our little American convention mentioned in a large release Japanese video game," says Otakon staffer Anthony Palumbo. "I guess that story about us on the Japanese Variety show paid off. Anime Expo can't say that their convention is mentioned in a major video game now can they!"
The original Japanese description of the character can be found at It is not known whether the character was changed for the American release.