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Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley & Skytree Village's Switch Releases Slated for June

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
"Cozy Bundle" contains both games, all DLC

Natsume's cover for Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley and Harvest Moon: Skytree Village
Image via Natsume's X/Twitter account
Natsume announced on Tuesday that the Switch releases of the Nintendo 3DS games Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley and Harvest Moon: Skytree Village are slated for June.

Natsume's "Cozy Bundle" will contain both games, along with all DLC, on one cartridge.

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley originally launched for 3DS in North America in November 2014, in Europe in June 2015, and in Australia in June 2015.

Harvest Moon: Skytree Village launched for 3DS in North America in November 2017, and in Europe in June 2017.

Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos launched for Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in September 2023.

Natsume published most of the previous games in the Bokujō Monogatari franchise under the umbrella title of Harvest Moon in North America. However, since XSEED Games — Marvelous AQL's own subsidiary — published the Bokujō Monogatari: Tsunagaru Shin Tenchi game in North America in March 2015, XSEED cannot use Natsume's Harvest Moon title.

Source: Natsume's X/Twitter account via Gematsu

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