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Turkey! Original Bowling Anime Debuts in July

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Anime reveals new visual, director

Pony Canyon and Bakken Record revealed on Saturday that their Turkey! original bowling anime will debut in July. The series will air on NTV, BS NTV, and TV Shinshu. The staff also revealed a new visual.

Turkey! anime key visual
Image via Turkey! anime's X/Twitter account

Susumu Kudo (Momentary Lily, Cinderella Nine, The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today) is directing the anime.

The cast includes:

The anime will be set in Chikuma City in Nagano Prefecture

Naomi Hiruta (live-action Seiho Boys' High School!, A Devil and Her Love Song) is scripting the anime, and Airi Takekawa ("Ippon" Again!) is designing the characters. Pony Canyon is in charge of music production, and Bakken Record is in charge of animation.

Sources: Turkey! anime's website, Animate Times

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