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Mobile Game Based on +99 Reinforced Wooden Stick Webtoon Debuts at #1 in Korea

posted on by Wonhee Cho
Players control 3 main characters in hack-and-slash style combat

+99 Reinforced Wooden Stick
Image via WEBTOON

Daeri Soft's new mobile RPG +99 Reinforced Wooden Stick: Growth has taken the top spot on Google Play Store's popularity chart in Korea following its official release on February 5. The game's success was fueled by pre-release promotions and high anticipation among webtoon fans, leading it to top the Google Store's popularity chart just one day after launch.

The title is based on the +99 Reinforced Wooden Stick webtoon. The game features an infinite enhancement system that prevents equipment from being destroyed, as well as costume elements not seen in the original webtoon.

Players can control three main characters—Peace, Love, and Luna—simultaneously and engage in hack-and-slash style combat. The infinite enhancement system, which ensures that equipment is not lost even upon failure, also reduces the burden of gameplay.

The developer stated that it plans to continue expanding the +99 Reinforced Wooden Stick universe through regular content updates and events. It also revealed plans to release a sports game later this year and collaborate with other popular webtoons.

The game is currenly only available in Korea.

The English version of the +99 Reinforced Wooden Stick webtoon is available on WEBTOON. JIPERY has been drawing the series since 2022.

Source: Game Focus (Eun-suh Shin)

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