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Kizetsu Yūsha to Ansatsu Hime Manga Gets Anime

posted on by Alex Mateo
Norishiro-chan, Yukiji Setsuda debuted manga about shy hero targeted by 3 beautiful assassins in October 2022

Kizetsu Yūsha to Ansatsu Hime manga volume 1
Image via Amazon Japan
Yukiji Setsuda revealed in the 10th compiled book volume of author Norishiro-chan and artist Setsuda's Kizetsu Yūsha to Ansatsu Hime (The Faint Hero and the Assassin Princesses) manga on Friday that the series is getting an anime.

The manga debuted in Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion magazine in October 2022.

The story follows the hero Toto, who is strong but very shy and has trouble forming a party. One day, three beautiful women - Ciel, Anemone, and Gore - approach Toto to form a party. However, their secret goal is to assassinate him.

Source: Kizetsu Yūsha to Ansatsu Hime volume 10

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