
Thank you for your interest in advertising on Anime News Network. Founded in 1998, Anime News Network is the world's leading source of up to date news and information on the anime and manga industries. Regular readers of Anime News Network not only include hundreds of thousands of anime fans, but also all of the industry heavy weights.

The past several years have witnessed an attrition of English anime news sites on the Internet; as the number of sites shrink, the remaining sites only get better. Consistently growing and improving, Anime News Network is here to stay.

The key benefit in advertising on Anime News Network is that our readership fits a particular demographic; mature anime fans. The majority of visitors to Anime News Network are between the ages of 18 and 24 and, needless to say, they're all anime fans, but also have a healthy appetite for other forms of animation, video games, and many other related interests. As long as you are interested in reaching anime fans that make their own purchasing decisions, Anime News Network is the ideal place for you to advertise.

Advertisement Units

Medium Rectangle
Wide Skyscrapper
Half Page


Anime News Network's skins are our biggest, most visible, highest impact advertisements. For one or more days, every visitor to our site will see your skin on every single page. The click through rate blows banners out of the water with CPCs running in the $.10 to $.25 range.

See Guidelines


Anime News Network is the world's most trusted anime news source. That trust extends, by association, to every piece of content published on ANN. A well written, engaging advertorial can be an excellent way to go beyond advertising and truly connect with potential customers in an environment where they are at ease.

See Guidelines

Banner Ads / IAB Ads

Tried and True. Banner advertisements have been around since the dawn of internet publishing and ANN supports all the standard and all the latest formats. We also offer, via our partners, a full range of targeting and retargeting options.

For higher impact campaigns, we offer home page and run of site campaigns that can be a more affordable alternative to a skin, or combined with a skin for maximum exposure. We also offer, via our partners, a full range of targeting and retargeting options.

See Ad Specs

Contests & Give-Aways

Our "creative contests" are run in such a way that each entry submitted is in fact an advertisement for the customer. What's more, during the gallery phase of the contest, visitors to the website will intentionally seek out and consider these user-created advertisements, which is a vast improvement over the traditional advertising model where ads are merely a peripheral item on the page.

Each contest is promoted on the front page of Anime News Network as regular site content. Readers are invited to submit their creative entries (often illustrations, but there are other possibilities). After a 2-4 week period the entries are displayed on the site over a period of 5 days (20% of the entries are posted each day). The winner(s) are then announced shortly after.

See Examples