Contests & Give-Aways

Imagine: Dozens or even hundreds of fan-created, branded advertisements for your campaign; Hundreds of thousands of impressions where the ads are the viewers' focus, not a distraction. This is what we can deliver.

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Creative Contest

Our “creative contests” are run in such a way that each entry submitted is in fact an advertisement for the customer. What's more, during the “gallery” phase of the contest, visitors to the website will intentionally seek out and consider these user-created advertisements, which is a vast improvement over the traditional advertising model where ads are merely a peripheral item on the page.

Each contest is promoted on the front page of Anime News Network as regular site content. Readers are invited to submit their creative entries (often illustrations, but there are other possibilities). After a 2-4 week period the entries are displayed on the site over a period of 5 days (20% of the entries are posted each day). The winner(s) are then announced shortly after.

In the example contest to the right, we invite readers to create itasha designs to be used on an official demonstration car.

The rules can require that the sponsor's branding appear in each entry, for example the company logo or message.

In 2008 Anime News Network ran a similar contest to promote Hatsune Miku toys in North America. We required that each entry have the Anime News Network logo and the toy distributor logo (AAA Anime). This is an example entry from that contest.

The most important phase of the contest is the Gallery Phase, during which all the entries are posted on Anime News Network (and often posted on other websites, such as Deviant Art) as well. Each entry is effectively an ad for the client and they are viewed millions of times by visitors to Anime News Network and other websites.

Examples of Past Contests

Tiger & Bunny: Build Your Own Hero Contest

Sponsored by VIZ Media, this contest invited our readers to create their own “heroes” to promote Tiger & Bunny. This was not an art contest, the winners were determined based on the best, most original and unique character descriptions.

View EntriesView Winners

Design Your Own Brave

Sponsored by Crunchyroll to promote their simulcast of Rokka: Brazes of the Six Flowers, this contest was very similar to the Tiger & Bunny contest.

View EntriesView Winners

Win a Trip to Japan with Pop Japan Travel, Aniplex and ANN

Fan-art contest with multiple sponsors in which the winner was given a 1-week guided tour to Japan (Hotel+Airfare+guided tour). Entrants had to incorporate the ANN Logo into their artwork.

View Winning Entry

To see all our past contests, visit


Finally, Anime News Network can run a random give-away contest with small prizes sent to a number of randomly selected winners.

Each entrant, whether they win or not, will receive an e-mail. In addition to informing them whether they won or not, the e-mail will include advertising, or a call to action for the sponsor, and possibly a consolation prize.