Madman National Cosplay Championship Grand Finalist Interview - Jenita
by Mark Sombillo,
Occuring on the 14th of November, the Madman National Cosplay Championship is showcasing the best of best in the world of cosplay from around Australia. Going from state to state, five very awesome cosplayers are out to proclaim that they have what it takes to be crowned champion. To that end, ANN|AU has taken a moment of the cosplayer's time so we can all get to know them a bit better. Next up, we have the South Australian representative, Jenita ANN|AU: To start us off, I guess we just wanted to know a little a bit more about you. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your cosplay history? Jenita: My first cosplay was in 2005 Chi from Chobits. I have done about 5 cosplays but I also do lolita. ANN|AU: Awesome. So was AVCon your first convention that you cosplayed in? Jenita: Yep. I have never been to another convention in Australia before so Melbourne will be my first interstate cosplay. Well I had been doing lolita for a while, so cosplay was the next step. ANN|AU: How was it being a first time cosplayer back then? Jenita: Fun. Was not really nervous at all... apart from my skit. ANN|AU: Hehe, I find most Chobits skits involved some singing... so... did you sing? Jenita: No... I walked around looking for pants. |
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ANN|AU: Haha, I guess there's that too. Ok, we'll move on to the next line of questions. How far do you go into researching a character you would like to cosplay? Like, is an image and basic background enough, or do you prefer that you've watched/read about the character in context of the story?
Jenita: Well I always choose a character from an anime I have watched. I have yet to base one on a manga. I surf the net for photos of the character so I can get a 360 view and I also have a look if any one else has done that character so I have an idea of size and things I may have missed
ANN|AU: So do you prefer to cosplay a character that isn't done by many others, or does it only matter that they are a character you liked?
Jenita: Bit of both. I prefer to work with armor cosplay and there is not a lot of that around
ANN|AU: True, I've seen pictures of your last couple of cosplays... what kind of material do most of your armoured cosplays consist of?
Jenita: Both Gundam costumes where made out of foam rubber, then coated with a silicon spray and spray paint. But my Madman costume is done out of PETG plastic. Hot glue is god send!
ANN|AU: Haha. I'm hoping you spray painted in well ventilated areas.
Jenita: Yeah outside. [In] my local park haha… with plastic on the ground.
ANN|AU: What's PETG?
Jenita: PETG is sheet plastic. It is what coke bottles are made of. I use the 1mm thick sheeting
ANN|AU: Ah, so how do you mold it to shape?
Jenita: It's very flexible and it bends and holds
ANN|AU: Cool Right, to a more serious question then... What did you see in cosplay that made you try it out and eventually get into it seriously?
Jenita: Well I love anime and make my own clothing (lolita) so when I went to my first convention I loved that people dressed up and well it was love at first sight.
ANN|AU: Haha, I understand that... it was so cool cosplaying that first time... but I also remember the pain of actually making it to start with. Do you go through much frustration in making your cosplays?
Jenita: Yes! My Gundam. I did not use hot glue. I used thin wiring that I threaded through the foam rubber.... and they kept poking me. Not to mention it was really hot, I could hardly see out of it.... Oh and it took me 1hr to get into the costume so there's way no hope of going to the toilet. Oh and walking was hard. For a mobile suit, it was not so mobile.
ANN|AU: Wow, that's dedication. Anyway, I guess we'll move on to the last question of the night. Going to your first interstate convention event, competing in the Madman National Cosplay Championships, against four others of the best in the country... tell me, what's a bigger emotion right now, nervousness or excitement?
Jenita: Yeah... I'm really excited... can't wait to see the other costumes and show off my cosplay... Little nervous, about my my costume is really heavy and not very mobile but over all really excited.
ANN|AU: Fantastic. I guess you'll be ready then?
Jenita: Yep…
ANN|AU: Thank you so much for your time.
Jenita: No problems
ANN|AU: Hoping you the best of luck and we'll see you in Melbourne!
Jenita: Thanks. So will I see you at the convention?
ANN|AU: Yep yep, certainly
Jenita: Cool. I'll come say hi.
ANN|AU: Haha, yeay!
ANN|AU wishes to thank Jenita for her time and to the team at Madman Entertainment for being so cooperative. Follow us on our next interview as we bring you the rest in the coming weeks before the competition!